Important Commands to Keep Your PUP Safe!
December 1st, 2022
We know that basic commands are a great way to teach your dog something new and strengthen the bond between the two of you. However, mastering these commands can save your pup from a potentially dangerous situation! Follow these tips to ensure your pup stays safe!
- Their Name: Saying your dog’s name makes it easier for him to focus on you! Constantly tell your dog his name, especially when you are giving him a treat, giving a bath or while playing with him!
- Come. Teaching your dog to come when told is essential, especially if they get too far away from you at the dog park or accidentally break off from their leash.
- Leave it. Think of this command as “leave it alone”. If your dog is about to grab something dangerous, like chocolate on the kitchen floor, “leave it” will save you both from going to the vet.
- Drop It. If he has something he’s not supposed to, like a sock or your daughter’s doll, “drop it” will prevent him from leaving holes in these precious items.
- Stay. “Stay” is important for dogs that are tempted to chase squirrels or other dogs. If your dog knows how to “stay” put, there is a better chance that he will also stay out of trouble.
We tend to call these commands “Accelerated Puppy Basics” at PUPS Pet Club. If you and your dog need help with these commands, or other puppy basics for that matter, call 312-971-7080 to learn about private lessons, group classes or training bootcamps!