New Parent

New Pup Parents
Ready, set…WAG!
Puppy Parenting 101
Whether a new puppy or adopted rescue, there is much more to raising a pup than just sit and stay. From vaccinations to wellness checkups, making sure your pup is in good heath is essential. Puppy training helps promote good behavior and it’s never too early to start.
Guaranteed to get tails wagging
PUPS experts and trainers are dedicated to helping your pup reach behavior goals focusing on positive training and socialization. We have a variety of convenient classes and lessons for busy pups and owners as well as a full range of veterinary services. With all of these options, it’s easy to fit training and wellness into your schedule.
Meet with one of our Senior Trainers for a complimentary training evaluation. Time slots for your 30 minute evaluation are available 7 days a week. Please fill out the following form and one of our expert dog trainers will reach out to you.
- Love your dog like a child, but treat your dog like a dog.
- Set boundaries. Your couch, table, bed, chairs, socks, and underwear are yours, not your dog’s!
- Dogs are creatures of habit. Keep them on a regular schedule for all of their needs.
- Dog training starts from day 1. Enlist the help of a professional right away. There is no reason to wait. No dog is too young to start training as they are most impressionable when they are young.
- Learn how to speak dog. Dogs have their own language. If you’re not talking to them in a language they understand, you may as well be talking to a wall.
- Dog training is a long process founded on repetition. The best-trained dogs in the world started out in the exact same position you are in today. They only became the best-trained dogs because they had handlers who loved them and clearly understood that repetition is the mother of all skill.
- Bad habits form easily for your dog and are difficult to break. Good habits come as a result of the effort and energy you invest. They are difficult to establish but offer a lifetime of reward. Invest the time now in training and you will set yourself up for a mutually respectful and harmonious relationship with your dog.
- Stay calm, confident, and assertive at all times with your pup. Dogs can sense your energy and it affects their behavior.
- Success in dog training comes with the understanding that progress is not linear. Therefore there could always be days when it seems like your dog doesn’t remember a thing that you taught them. The key is to be patient and trust the process.
- Dogs are pack animals. Therefore like humans, they require socialization. Dogs social circles are better known as packs. You are part of your dog’s pack and every pack has a leader (Alpha) and the pack members (Betas). In the absence of good effective leadership, your dog will naturally ascend to the Alpha position. You never want to be Beta to your dog!