PUPDATE! Meet the Team: Daniel Carlos Vazquez, Member Services Representative
Have you ever met someone who is genuinely selfless, compassionate and positive at all times? Well, if you haven’t, allow me to introduce you to Daniel!
Daniel has been a Member Service Representative and Daycare Attendant at the PUPS Pet Club in Wicker Park for about a year now. PUPS is a natural fit for him as he has a passion for dogs and also loves helping other people.
He particularly loves the PUPS in Wicker Park because it feels like a family and it’s a “great environment” to be in every day. He also says that playing with each pup is the “highlight” of his day – especially if he gets to see his favorite pups Luna, Arlo, Eddie, Ron and Winnie.
However, his favorite dogs in the world are the ones he has at home. Casper and Princess are his Lhasa-apso puppies but he also has a 7-year-old rescued chihuahua named Nina. Besides them being, “absolutely adorable”, Daniel loves that his pups are very affectionate, low energy and extremely cuddly.
But Daniel’s generous and loving traits don’t stop at PUPS Pet Club. He also volunteers regularly at an Autism Center in the suburbs! He essentially serves as a teacher’s aid which allows him to help children with their homework. He “loves helping out” whenever he can and says it helps him feel better connected to his brother who is also autistic.
Daniel is also exceptionally creative! He is a hip-hop/pop musician and often performs at open-mic nights. He also enjoys writing his own music which he claims to be “sometimes sad and dressing but sometimes happy love songs”. He’s eager to release his own music in the near future.
Daniel’s warm spirit, infectious laugh and caring personality are the perfect asset to PUPS Pet Club. We feel very fortunate to have him as part of our team!