Training Tips and Tricks: Does Your Pup Embarrass You by Jumping on Guests and Strangers?
Jumping is a very common challenge for both puppies and adult dogs.
Dogs jump for a variety of reasons, but one of the most common reasons is just to say hi to their favorite humans!
One of the best ways to stop jumping is to teach “Four on the Floor”. Here’s how:
Only give your dog attention when they have four paws on the ground. If they are jumping, turn away and ignore them until they have four on the floor. Once they do, turn back around and pet them along with praise.
Teach your dog an alternate behavior, like “sit.” Dogs have four on the floor when they are sitting, so always ask your dog to sit prior to you or anyone else petting them. With practice, your dog will sit when they want attention rather than jumping, as it is a more reinforced behavior that gets them the attention they are seeking.
Invite friends and family over to practice. Set your dog up for success by keeping them on leash and either tethered to something or attached to you, so you can remove them from the situation if needed. As the person approaches, ask your dog to sit, and only allow the person to approach when the dog is calm and not jumping. Instruct the greeter to walk away if the dog attempts to jump.
Need help with jumping? Get in touch with one of our expert trainers who can help you with this, and a whole host of other troublesome canine behavior.